Contact us

If you want to see Żyrafa kindergarten, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

Careers at Żyrafa Kindergarten

If you want to join our team as a teacher, please send your CV with a photograph to the below e-mail address:

Kindergarten Transport

If you wish, you child may be delivered to the kindergarten and back home with our bus either on a regular or on an occasional basis.

Children are picked up from their homes in the morning, and brought back home in the afternoon. Żyrafa bus arrives at the child’s home at prearranged times.
Driver: 697 804 007

Socal Media

Follow the events of the Żyrafa Kindergarten also on social media:

How to Find Us?

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