
It is extremely important to us that the nutrition at our kindergarten is natural and contains a lot of fruit and vegetables. We have got our own kitchen where the qualified staff makes sure that the meals that they prepare are well-balanced and have proper nutritional and energy value. We do not use in our cuisine ready-made, powdered spices such as vegeta, stock cubes, sauces for vegetables or meat. We do not serve nutella or pre-sweetened cereal to our children. We make sure that the meals are varied, fresh and properly made. All meals are prepared just before being served.

The menu is based on fresh, seasonal products available in particular seasons of the year to fully cover child’s daily energy needs.

Our menu includes “ECO TEA TIMES”, i.e. tea times comprising organic products such as cereal grains, sprouts, natural juices as well as natural herbs and spices. Children drink fruit tea and unsweetened fruit juices, and they have unlimited access to spring water.

Moreover, our cuisine includes home-made cooked and baked foods (such as dumplings, waffles made of wholegrain flour, cereal cookies, pâté and rolls) which are hand-made by our cooks.

In our kindergarten we also cater for children’s individual nutritional needs, i.e. various allergies to foods or food products, milk-free or low-fat diets. For these children meals are prepared separately, based on the parents’ guidelines.

In one day children have five meals: breakfast, soup, main course and two tea times. Food is not limited: children can eat as much as they wish and may always ask for a second helping. Teachers encourage children to taste new dishes, but do not force them to eat new foods. Once a week children participate with pleasure in cooking classes where they make their own foods and learn about healthy nutrition.

On a daily basis, older children assist the youngest ones at lunch time and actively help to serve food to them. Our teaching staff eats meals together with children, which creates a social atmosphere. Eating together is also an occasion to teach children how to behave at the table, e.g. to use napkins and to learn to use cutlery.

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